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Nail Biting Hypnosis

  • Have you been trying to use will power to stop your nail biting?

  • Do you find yourself tearing your nails up when you are nervous?

  • Have you tried those bad tasting nail polishes only to bite right through it?

  • Are your fingers bleeding?

  • Are you trying to promote a professional image and you're embarrassed by your fingers?

Nail biting is absolutely a subconscious behavior. Hypnosis works to communicate directly with the subconscious mind to eliminate such unwanted behaviors.

Addressing this issue tends to have many expected and sometimes unexpected positive results. They may include boosts in self confidence and also removal of worry and doubtful type thinking which may have led to the bad habit in the first place.

Working with your hypnotherapist you will quickly learn what has been triggering the nail biting behavior and once thats discovered we can simply empower your mind to generate a new mind-set which is a more positive confident and appropriate to being the you that you wish to be.

Free Consultation

In your free consultation we start with a fun and informative presentation explaining completely how your conscious and subconscious mind work. As your hypnotherapist i will share with you stories of other clients who have had great success. We will talk about the history of your nail biting and totally define your unique situation.

Getting started

Once you choose to begin to work on updating your old reaction patterns and old outdated thinking a great many changes can happen right away. Our first goal is to develop and positive line of communication between your conscious and subconscious thinking so that we can be fully aware of what needs to be addressed.

Moving Forward

Sessions are scheduled and structured to meet your needs. Generally more than one session is indicated for stopping your nail biting habit but it can be well addressed usually in two to three sessions confidently. As we complete the work you may find that the work we do does more for you personally and can add a quality of life that you didn't know that you could ask for.

Are you ready to take control of your life and get your mind set for success? Let's end the nail biting habit and have you more secure on the inside and outside.

Call to schedule your free 1 Hr. consultation or book here today!

Call 215-839-8056

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